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What is it and how is it used?

pictureCocaine is an illegal stimulant drug that can be used in its powder form, meaning it speeds up the brain and body. It is taken by inhaling the cocaine power through the nose or through the mouth by smoking or vaping.


Short term effects on cocaine

Cocaine can cause numbness if it is applied onto skin or gums as it can block nerve signals that transmit pain feelings. Cocaine can also cause people to be very happy, alert, very confident and full of energy this is because it stimulates your central nervous system. Or some calls it being “high”. With positives, comes negatives, it may make you feel worried, anxious, or even paranoid. Cocaine can also have physical symptoms such as shaking, a high heart rate and high body temperature as it makes your body alert and ready to fight are do something intensive.

Long term effects on cocaine

People that use cocaine for a long period of time can get sick more often or even die (because of the high heart), this is called an "overdose". When people take cocaine, they can get intoxicated as well, this means they may do dangerous things such as getting into a violent fight with a person. Another long-term effect on cocaine is people can start to get strange feelings, this is called paranoia, a feeling that there are people that want to harm them.

Where can you get info about cocaine?

You can get info about cocaine from lots of sources on the internet, you can go to the following websites but not limited to:

What are some programs to help people using cocaine?

There are lots of websites and in-person programs in Australia that can help you if you need help. There are kids programs in Victoria that educate young people about cocaine and other illicit drugs. There are adult programs too, they help adults in multiple ways. Most of the progams can be found here!

All sources are from the real wikipedia and other Australian sites including the sites featured in this page